Their 100th anniversary series comemorates Replica Zenith watches the of the very first pen by Simplo Fuller and does not have a ball point pen in it. It well advised that you educate yourself about these limited edition pens prior to any purchases, as some have appreciated in value much faster then others.Chris Tyrrell writes for Wheelers who carry a wide range of Mont Blanc Ballpoint Pen products and many other luxury items.
Unfortunatly for anyone who is interested in obtaining Replica Zenith watches a ball point pen from this series, they just aren’t available. However; it must be noted that people have been known to have Mont Blanc fountain pens converted to ball points. Even so, be aware that if this is done to the fountain pen that is the second half of a fountain pen / ball point pen set, it will create two ball point pens with the same exact serial numbers.Mont Blanc Donation SeriesBecause this Donation Series involves pens that don’t all feature serial numbers, it can’t technically be referred to as a limited edition series. It does feature ball point pens and these pends also will be the least expensive of all special series Mont Blanc Pens, ($200 – $500 price range.
The reason for the name Donation Series is that a portion of the proceeds Replica Zenith watches from the sale of each pen is channeled into an organization that benefits struggling young classical musicians.75th & 100th Year Anniversary Mont Blanc PensTheir 75th anniversary limited edition set was released in 1999 and consists of some 1,924 numbered pens per set. There are ball point pens available in this series with the pens from the Meisterstuck set being the most in demand.