What I have achieved, all my research, how I have been able to travel even though I'm always broke, the hard work I've done to convince people to fund a start up for cheap biotech for developing countries and regular folks, none of that would have been possible hadn't I learned English through video games.”Now, thanks to the tiny horizons of the cast of morons who govern me, thanks to the stupidity and ham-fisted authoritarianism of the replica Cartier WE60050I Ladie's watch local authorities, so beloved of so many liberals, my 7 year old brother's chances to do the same could be greatly impacted.”
The essay in full is yours to read in the link below and it touches on more than video games. It's brave stuf: “If I get fined for writing this (Article 13, promoting the use of violent videogames), so be it. If I go to jail because I carry rooms in my hard drive or in an R4 card for my brother, next time I return to the country, so be it. But I'd rather go to jail replica Cartier W1534551 Men's watch than betray the gamer culture, partially responsible for me the person I am today.” Read it.Venezuela bans violent video games: a first-person guest essay [Boing Boing]"
"Been a while since we heard anything about I Am Alive, and with good reason; the game is still years away from release, with Ubisoft today leaving the survival title off its 2010-2011 release schedule.The game was originally due to appear in March 2010, but in 2009 was pushed back to Ubisoft's 2010-2011 fiscal year, which runs from replica Cartier W1534451 Men's watch April 2010 to March 2011.Today, though, while outlining a slate of titles the company will be releasing in that fiscal year, Ubisoft made no mention of the game. Leading us to believe it's been pushed back to fiscal year 2011-2012. Or, in human terms, April 2011 at the earliest."