
The story in question originally

Well, it's bigger, and you might be able to grab it in a bundle if you play yor cards right? Either way, it's your $299 PlayStation 3 option until the Slim hits early next month.Not mentioned during the press conference, a quick call to GameStop confirms that the 160GB system has dropped to $399 as well, so if you've been holding off on picking one up, now is the replica watches gift time.The story Kotaku ran yesterday regarding the origin of a poker game deciding whether Valve's Gabe Newell or Randy Pitchford could name their company Gearbox was a "tall tale," Pitchford told Kotaku this morning

I regret presenting it as fact The story in question originally ran on Joystiq, which presented a lengthy e mailed anecdote from Pitchford that purportedly answered the question of how Gearbox got its name The story of riverboat gambling was extraordinary, and one I mistakenly took as true Pitchford told me today that his intent was to entertain, not mislead I replica Rolex 179174-PDJ Ladie's watch regret not trying to confirm the story with Valve before publication Over Twitter, he wrote: "Enjoy the Tall Tale about the Gearbox name?

Read it on Joystiq and give them love! Kotaku too :)"Apologies to Valve and you readers for presenting a tall tale as a real one We're all for a good yarn, but didn't mean to mislead anyone.BioWare has revealed the second party member to join Commander Shepard's motley crew in Mass Effect 2, Grunt, a violent and unpredictable Krogan replica Rolex 179174-PSJ Ladie's watch fighter Grunt joins the assassin Thane as part of Shepard's decidedly darker posse in the second game in BioWare's epic space adventure He may be untamed and untrustworthy, but he's an important part of this space breakfast.